Think ‘Follow Your Passion’ Is Great Advice? Think Again!

Ninth Koi
6 min readDec 14, 2023

“Follow your passion.” It’s a phrase we hear echoed in speeches, career advice columns, and self-help books. This well-intentioned counsel is often presented as the golden key to a fulfilling career and a happy life. The idea is simple and alluring: find what you love, do it for a living, and you’ll never work a day in your life. It’s a mantra that has shaped the career paths of millions, guiding choices in education, job searches, and even personal hobbies.

But is this age-old advice really the one-size-fits-all solution it’s made out to be? In this blog post, I’m going rock the boat and offer a different perspective — my own ADHD-influenced perspective. While there’s undeniable value in pursuing things we’re passionate about, I argue that this advice, when followed too rigidly, can actually be limiting. It can confine us to a box of what we already know and like, potentially stifling our growth and exploration of new horizons.

Firstly, for many people, identifying a singular passion that is both deeply fulfilling and feasible as a career path can be a daunting task. This is especially true for individuals who are neurodiverse, whose interests might be varied, fluid, or not aligned with conventional career paths. The neurodiverse mind often explores a range of interests, and the idea of choosing just one can feel restrictive or even impossible.

Moreover, the assumption that everyone has one true passion is misleading. Life is a web of experiences and relationships, and fulfilment can come from many sources. Some people find deep joy and satisfaction in their relationships, community involvement, or a myriad of hobbies. The idea that these sources of happiness are somehow less valuable because they don’t fit into a monetizable passion downplays the richness of diverse human experiences.

Furthermore, the pressure to find and follow one singular passion can lead to stress and a sense of inadequacy. This is exacerbated in a social media-driven culture where success stories are often portrayed as the result of pursuing a clear, unwavering passion. The reality is messier. Many successful individuals have zigzagged through a variety of interests and opportunities to find their niche. For those who are still exploring or who enjoy a breadth of activities, the constant push to pinpoint and pursue one overriding passion can create a sense of failure or unfulfillment.

While it’s comforting to cling to familiar passions, this approach often keeps us nestled within our comfort zones, potentially hindering our exploration and growth. By continuously gravitating towards what we already know and excel at, we might inadvertently close the door to new experiences and skills that lie just beyond the boundaries of our current interests.

I feel this may have happened with an important person in my life. In his adolescence, he showed a knack for, an understanding of, and a passion for computers and coding. Because it was something he was good at, he followed the path and had a reasonable career in this field. However, I know there is a part of him that yearns to do the exact opposite. To be a park ranger, or a life saver, or something outside in nature. While it’s not too late for him to explore this side of his interests, being inside coding all day is certainly where his comfort zone sits.

This story underscores a crucial point: while it’s natural to stick with what we’re good at, such restraint can prevent us from discovering other areas we might excel in or enjoy. Our known passions, while comfortable and rewarding, can act as blinders, limiting our view of the wider array of experiences life has to offer.

In contrast to the fixed trajectory of following a singular passion, curiosity offers a more dynamic and flexible approach to personal growth and exploration. Curiosity — the desire to learn, explore, and understand — is not confined by the boundaries of known passions. It is a limitless, ever-evolving journey that encourages continuous learning and adaptability.

Curiosity propels us to ask questions, seek new experiences, and delve into areas unknown. It’s about embracing a sense of wonder and being open to the myriad possibilities that life presents. This approach fosters a mindset of continuous growth, as opposed to remaining static within the confines of a specific passion.

The benefits of embracing curiosity are manifold. For one, it nurtures adaptability — an invaluable skill in our ever-changing world. Curious individuals are more flexible and better equipped to handle life’s unpredictable twists and turns. They are more resilient in the face of change, viewing new situations not as obstacles but as opportunities to learn and grow.

The concept of a beginner’s mindset, often referred to as ‘Shoshin’ in Zen Buddhism, revolves around approaching life with openness, eagerness, and a lack of preconceptions — much like a beginner. This mindset is not just about trying new things; it’s about embracing each experience with the fresh eyes and enthusiasm of someone who has no expectations or preconceived notions about what they will encounter.

Embracing a beginner’s mindset is both fun and challenging. On the one hand, it allows for a sense of discovery and wonder in even the most mundane tasks. It can transform routine activities into exciting adventures, as each moment is an opportunity to learn and grow. On the other hand, being a beginner means accepting that you won’t be perfect at everything you try. It involves facing potential failures and setbacks, which can be daunting but are essential for building resilience and character.

The importance of this mindset lies in its capacity to foster growth and resilience. When we allow ourselves to be beginners, we open ourselves up to new experiences and opportunities for learning. This attitude helps us adapt to change more easily, as we are less likely to resist new ideas and more inclined to embrace them.

I experienced the transformative power of this mindset when I decided to delve into art. Initially, the process was frustrating; I struggled with basic drawing and making anything look different to a blob. However, by embracing the role of a beginner, I gradually found joy in the small victories. This experience not only improved my artistic skills but also taught me patience and perseverance.

In the pursuit of personal growth and fulfilment, finding a balance between nurturing existing passions and being open to exploring new interests is key. This balance allows for a rich and diversified life experience, deepening our understanding of ourselves and our true passions.

Cultivating Curiosity in Everyday Life:

  • Adopt a ‘curiosity-first’ approach. Ask questions, seek out new information, and be open to the lessons each day brings.
  • Turn routine tasks into opportunities for curiosity. For example, if you’re cooking, experiment with a new ingredient or technique.
  • Surround yourself with diverse perspectives. Follow blogs, podcasts, or social media accounts outside your usual scope of interest.
  • Keep a curiosity journal. Record questions that arise during your day and take time to explore them.
  • Embrace the mindset of a lifelong learner. Attend workshops, seminars, or online courses on topics outside your usual realm of interest.

As you continue on your personal and professional journey, I encourage you to embrace both your passions and your curiosities. Let them coexist and complement each other. Remember, life is not just about following a single path but about exploring a multitude of trails that lead to self-discovery and joy. So, keep your heart and mind open to new experiences, and let your curiosity guide you to unexpected and rewarding destinations.

Suppose this exploration of balancing passions and curiosity resonated with you, and you’re eager to dive deeper into such enriching and thought-provoking ideas. In that case, I invite you to join our community of explorers and thinkers.

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Ninth Koi

Coach & writer on neurodiversity & change. Empowering 30+ individuals to thrive. Get my Free eGuide Let's embrace life's transitions together!